
tahm kench top counter

If you’re looking for the best Tahm Kench counter, then look no further! I’ve created a list of the top 5 counters in League of Legends for Tahm Kench. Whether your goal is to stop him from getting too far on his own or just wanting to be able to track his damage and crowd control output, this guide will help you with that.

-Most Tahm Kench counters are champions with strong area of effect abilities and crowd control, like Singed or Amumu. Champions that can absorb his damage and shield against it will also work well; these include Shen, Zac and Braum.

-The best counter to Tahm Kench is a champion who has sustain in lane through healing or shielding themselves for large amounts of time as he tries to poke them down. If they have an escape mechanism such as flash up their sleeve then you’re all set! Champions like Cho’Gath, Dr Mundo, Urgot and Trundle do this fantastically due to how much health they have relative to the enemy laner’s level.

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-Drain tanks like Vladimir can also work well against Tahm Kench as they will be able to sustain their health pool by draining the enemy’s.

Next Sentence: However, if you’re not a tank champion or have another way of healing then your best bet is to kill him before he kills you! So make sure you don’t over extend and get too close, instead wait for opportunities when his abilities are on cooldown. Countering Tahm Kench in lane should come down to who has more CC so it’s important that whoever counters him does not rely on one form of damage alone (e.g., only using basic attacks). His main weaknesses are champions with strong killing potential such as Zed and Viktor due to his low mobility.

-Drain tanks like Vladimir can also work well against Tahm Kench as they will be able to sustain their health pool by draining the enemy’s. However, if you’re not a tank champion or have another way of healing then your best bet is to kill him before he kills you! So make sure you don’t over extend and get too close, instead wait for opportunities when his abilities are on cooldown. Countering Tahm Kench in lane should come down to who has more CC so it’s important that whoever counters him does not rely on one form of damage alone (e.g., only using basic attacks). His main weaknesses are champions with strong killing potential such as Zed and Viktor due to his low mobility.

Countering Tahm Kench in lane should come down to who has more CC so it’s important that whoever counters him does not rely on one form of damage alone (e.g., only using basic attacks). His main weaknesses are champions with strong killing potential such as Zed and Viktor due to his low mobility. Countering Tahm Kench in lane should come down to who has the most CC, which is why those relying solely on their basic attacks will have a difficult time against him. His main weakness is being killed by champions like Zed or Viktor because they can easily get close enough for the kill without any real danger from Tahm himself barring an ability shot towards them he manages somehow gets off.

This is because he relies on his enemies not being able to get close enough for the kill themselves and that only really happens when they are unable to CC him or if he’s got a lot of distance between himself and them, so it becomes important who can counter Tahm Kench correctly in lane as their main weakness is getting killed by champions with greater killing potential than themselves such as Zed or Viktor. This is why those relying solely on basic attacks will have a difficult time against him–his main weaknesses lie within champions like Zed or Viktor due to strong killing potential they possess without much danger from Tahm himself barring an ability shot towards them somehow manages to hit at all.

Countering Tahm Kench in lane should come down to these champions:

Braum – His stun from his Q and E abilities make it hard for Tahm Kench to do anything against him, as he will be stunned long enough for Braum’s passive shield time-t0 reach max. This also allows the opportunity for a follow up burst on Tahm Kench so that he doesn’t have much of an opportunity to escape with his Abyssal Voyage. The only downside is that if they can get through their CC fast enough then you’re left without your passive shield which makes trading dangerous in some cases where one player has lane advantage over another.

Zac – Zac would be able to take down Tahm Kench because most of the champion’s damage comes from basic attacks. Zac can use his E ability to knock up Tahm Kench and then follow that with a Q, which will both deal damage and slow. After this the player would be able to wait for their passive shield time-to reach max before they engage again so that he doesn’t get poked down too much during lane phase by minions or champions.

Jarvan IV – Jarvan’s ultimate “Cataclysm” is one of the most powerful abilities in League because it deals AOE damage while also knocking all enemies within its range into the air so they’re unable to fight back until landing on the ground after about four seconds. Because of how long it takes them to land followed by being knocked up afterwards, this gives plenty of time for your team to get an advantage in that time.

Lux – Lux can use her ultimate “Final Spark” which will deal AOE damage and also blind all enemies, meaning they have reduced vision for a few seconds at the beginning of the ability’s duration (usually three). This is why it’s so powerful when paired with other abilities such as Jarvan IV or Vayne because they are given free reign on the enemy without them being able to retaliate back until after their sight has returned. The only downside is that she needs mana to cast this spell but there are plenty of ways around this if you’re smart about it!

Vayne – Her R ability deals a ton of damage in a cone width from her character and then slows anyone hit by the ability. By slowing them, they can’t escape as easily and will be easier to reach with her W which deals a lot of damage if it hits an enemy unit in its range!

Jarvan IV – Jarvan has several damaging abilities that deal large amounts of burst or AOE damage but his ultimate is what really makes him shine at top lane. “Cataclysm” covers a huge area around its impact point (which usually ends up being where you cast your E) giving anyone caught within it’s radius a ton on lockdown time due to how long the duration lasts for. It also knocks enemies into the air briefly meaning any projectiles fired from Lux would have more potential because they’ll be knocked back until their cooldowns are over. Out of all the champions I’ve listed, Maokai is probably my favorite top lane champion to play as. His abilities can be utilized in many different ways and his ultimate has a lot of potential for catching people out with its great range! He also deals tons of damage if he’s able to get close enough thanks to how powerful “Arcane Smash” is at level six (as well as having really good sustain from his passive). Though Maokai may not have any hard cc outside of Arcane Smash which prevents him from being dominant during teamfights, he still does significant amounts of AOE damage against Baron or Dragon very quickly and it goes without saying that it feels fantastic when you hear your ult go off. L

Radhe Gupta

Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...

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