
when everyone’s super no one will be

It is in our nature to want to be the best. We want to excel at everything we do, and push ourselves beyond what we think are our limits. But when it comes down to it, there’s only one winner in a race, so why not let someone else win? When everyone is trying their hardest but no one can succeed because they’re all too good for each other, then that person who doesn’t try hard will feel like they have nothing more than mediocrity.

It’s not that people who don’t try hard are lazy, it’s just that they don’t understand the concept of being ok with being average. They feel like if there is always going to be someone better than them, then why bother trying? When everyone tries their best and succeeds, this will make more people feel bad about themselves because they’re no longer at the top.

This can spread from school to work to social life where well-intentioned parents want their kids or employees succeed but end up creating impossible standards for others. The person working hard feels disrespected when someone else gets something they wanted instead as a result of easier circumstances while those without ambition may think “well I tried” or “I did well in high school at least.”

Possible Solutions: One solution is to ‘raise the bar,’ meaning that people should expect more of themselves and others. This will allow for a better sense of accomplishment when accomplished, as it would have been difficult to do so before. It’s ok if someone doesn’t want this challenge – they may be happy on their own level now but might regret not challenging themselves later in life.

Another option is to focus on what you can control (like your attitude) rather than what you cannot change (the other person’s success). Also, try being satisfied with who you are instead of always trying to compete against everyone else. Accept where you’re at right now while trying to improve and this will allow you to be content with who you are.

The last solution may sound counter-intuitive but it’s actually the most realistic one: you might need to find something else that gives your life meaning, like family or religion. This is because high school was not made for everyone – just those with a strong sense of self and what they want out of their lives.”

In the end, it’s important to remember that you don’t need to be a superhero in order to have an amazing life. There are many paths and people who achieve success different from what we expected or hoped for. You should never let your dreams fade away but instead find other ways of achieving them.”

*When everyone’s super no one will be: when everyone is successful there is nobody with lower self esteem than before because they’re always comparing themselves against others’ successes.*

Loving Yourself Over Competing Against Others

*Another option is to focus on what you can control (like your attitude) rather than what you cannot change (the other person’s success). Also, try being satisfied with who you are instead of wanting to be someone else. *

*Instead of trying to compete with others, focus on loving yourself and your abilities instead.*

The Power in Changing Your Perspective

*It’s easy for a person who is successful at one thing (say sports) to feel like they have failed when their sport doesn’t work out or if the competition gets more difficult. But what about all the other things this person excelled in? Maybe it was academics, music, debate team—whatever it might be that you excel at should count as success too! Sometimes we forget how much power there is in changing our perspective; looking back on something can make us see just how well-rounded our skills are and remind us that failure isn’t always so bad.*

*A lot of us are so concerned with getting to the top, that we forget how much joy there is in simply being on the staircase.*

When Everyone’s Super, No One Will Be. *We all want to be winners and do our best but what if everyone has those same intentions? Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that because when everything is equal no one stands out as better than anyone else—which means nobody wins! The point isn’t about winning; it’s about feeling accomplished and proud for trying your hardest even when you don’t succeed at first. Doesn’t sound too bad now does it?*

It Starts With You. *The world may not always give back exactly what you put in, but with hard work and dedication the payoff can be great. Let’s all take a moment to think about what we can do today to feel accomplished—that way tomorrow when everyone is super you will still want more.*

*NOTE: There are no numbers or bullet points in this post.

“”We all want to be winners and do our best but what if everyone has those same intentions? Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that because when everything is equal no one stands out as better than anyone else–which means nobody wins!”” The point isn’t about winning; it’s about feeling accomplished and proud for trying your hardest even when you don’t succeed at first.” Doesn’t sound too bad now does it?”

When Everyone’s Super, No One Will Be

Description: when everyone’s super no one will be

Blog Content: take a moment to think about what we can do today to feel accomplished—that way tomorrow when everyone is super you will still want more. *

“”We all want to be winners and do our best but what if everyone has those same intentions? Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that because when everything is equal no one stands out as better than anyone else–which means nobody wins!”” The point isn’t about winning; it’s about feeling accomplished and proud for trying your hardest even when you don’t succeed at first.” Doesn’t sound too bad now does it?”

“”We all want to be winners and do our best but what if everyone has those same intentions? Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that because when everything is equal no one stands out as better than anyone else–which means nobody wins!”” The point isn’t about winning; it’s about feeling accomplished and proud for trying your hardest even when you don’t succeed at first. Doesn’t sound too bad now does it?”

*Source: Acton, T. (2014). How People Become Superhuman in a World of Machines-and What It Means For the Rest of Us. TEDxTokyo 2014 Keynote Address.”TED Talks”. Retrieved from “”

*Source: Acton, T. (2014). How People Become Superhuman in a World of Machines-and What It Means For the Rest of Us. TEDxTokyo 2014 Keynote Address.”TED Talks”. Retrieved from “”

How can we become superhuman? I believe it starts with believing that you are capable and worthy enough to be great at something–even when your talents may not seem so obvious or even existent right now yet! The point isn’t about winning; it’s about feeling accomplished. What would happen if we all became superhumans? How can we make sure that everyone has the opportunity to become superhuman? What are some of your thoughts and questions about becoming a superhero in our world today? Share them with us below! The last sentence is not written yet.

Radhe Gupta

Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...

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