
when the night is over lyrics

The song that has been stuck in your head for the last week is finally over. You may have heard it a million times, but now you can sing along with the lyrics. The song was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney and released as a single on October 4th, 1969. This was at the height of their fame- they were kings of rock n’ roll!

Here are the lyrics for “When The Night Is Over” so you can sing along with your friends.

“When the night is over, and we’ve said our last goodbye. And I’m alone with my thoughts so far away.”

The lyrics are about a break up- when you’re not ready for that to happen, but it’s inevitable because of how this person has changed or they just don’t want you anymore no matter what you do. The song talks about them being alone in their thoughts after the pain subsides from seeing your ex walk out of life. They remind themselves of all the good times they shared together like an inside joke was just between the two of them before he leaves too soon and will be missed forever! It’s hard because everything changes once someone does leave your side without knowing if they’ll come back again.

I’m not sure if you can tell from the lyrics, but this song is about a break up. When someone changes or they just don’t want to be with you anymore no matter what you do, it’s inevitable that one day the person will leave- and when they do there’s pain for awhile as those memories of them walking out of your life come back to haunt you. It hurts because everything changes without knowing if they’ll ever return again – maybe sometime in the future? We’re always reminded of good times shared together like an inside joke between two people who meant so much more than anyone else could imagine. But once he leaves too soon and will be missed forever! Once we’ve said our last goodbye, I know my heart will mend. I know we’ll find a way to get past all of those nights when the night is over

Body: The song “Nighttime” by Josh Turner really touches on this topic. He sings about how you were someone that he used to wake up with and now your gone and it’s hard for him because everything changed, but eventually he admits that they’ll be alright again just like before – even if they’re never together in any other life ever again. There are many different ways people can go through break ups depending on their personality or who left first- some time apart might help heal things faster than going right back into an old routine as though nothing had happened at all! So what do you think? What would make it easier for you to get over a breakup?

e. “Nighttime” by Josh Turner really touches on this topic. He sings about how you were someone that he used to wake up with and now your gone and it’s hard for him because everything changed, but eventually he admits that they’ll be alright again just like before – even if they’re never together in any other life ever again. There are many different ways people can go through break ups depending on their personality or who left first- some time apart might help heal things faster than going right back into an old routine as though nothing had happened at all! So what do you think? What would make it easier for you to get over a breakup?

f. The numbers in the brackets mean that this is a new paragraph.

g. What do you think? What would make it easier for you to get over a breakup?

-Talk about your feelings with friends and family, remember what went wrong by writing down why it didn’t work out or how things got worse – maybe try seeing other people because they are just as bad off too! Join clubs where there’s no pressure to date anyone, go on vacations and enjoy life while not feeling obligated to be with someone else at all times ! You’ll never know who might cross paths with each other unexpectedly.. Maybe something more will develop from then on. Breakups usually happen when we’re lonely anyway so don’t worry if you’ve been single before

When the night is over and I walk out of your house, all my plans for romance are forgotten. My head has a new plan: to be home by sunrise. The sun will come up soon enough so why stay? But if you want me to stay, then tell me now as it’s only fair that we should both know what we’re feeling in this moment right here. We can’t hope for tomorrow when today won’t give us any peace at all.”

I’ll say something like “Yes” or “No,” but those words don’t make sense anymore because they aren’t about love or lust either way; they just represent fear and pain—fear of getting hurt again and pain from being hurt.

The sun will come up soon enough so why stay? But if you want me to stay, then tell me now as it’s only fair that we should both know what we’re feeling in this moment right here. We can’t hope for tomorrow when today won’t give us any peace at all.”I’ll say something like “Yes” or “No,” but those words don’t make sense anymore because they aren’t about love or lust either way; they just represent fear and pain—fear of getting hurt again and pain from being hurt.

Post Content: When the Night is Over lyrics by The Weepies

As the sun starts to set on this day, all I can think about is you; your smile that’s brighter than any star in the sky or a light shining through a thousand miles.”I’ll say something like “Yes” or “No,” but those words don’t make sense anymore because they aren’t about love or lust either way; they just represent fear and pain—fear of getting hurt again and pain from being hurt.

And inside my soul there are two things fighting: one wants me to hold you close tonight while the other thinks it would be best if we both did what we should do. The thing is though, when the night is over, you’re still with me.”

Post Content: When the Night is Over lyrics by The Weepies. “I’ll say something like ‘Yes’ or ‘No,’ but those words don’t make sense anymore because they aren’t about love or lust either way; they just represent fear and pain—fear of getting hurt again and pain from being hurt,” says the song’s narrator. And inside my soul there are two things fighting: one wants me to hold you close tonight while the other thinks it would be best if we both did what we should do. The thing is though, when the night is over, you’re still with me.”

You might also be interested in this article on how to know if you’re in a healthy relationship. – This post was originally published on November 17, 2017 at 11:07 am EST and updated March 16, 2018 at 12:11 pm EDT. You might also be interested in this article on how to know if you’re in a healthy relationship. – This post was originally published on November 17, 2017 at 11:07 am EST and updated March 16, 2018 at 12:11 pm EDT.

Radhe Gupta

Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...

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