
why anime is bad

one of the biggest reasons why anime is bad.

– Bad Drawing Style: Anime may have started out as a form of animation but it has evolved into more than that and doesn’t really look like one anymore thanks to its overuse of computer generated graphics which makes everything seem so fake when it’s supposed to be drawing you in.

– Bland Characters: There are many iconic characters in anime such as Goku from Dragon Ball Z, Naruto from Naruto Shippuden or even Sailor Moon, who would all make great additions for any fighting game if they were not taken up by animes first – this also adds on too much cliche because again there’s nothing original about those types of character designs with their superpowers and personalities being drawn time and time again.

– Poor Plot: Anime has always been a form of escapism and entertainment but the plot is usually pretty predictable thanks to its reliance on tropes which have become tired in recent years with anime not being able to move past these ideas, whereas other shows such as Daredevil can still keep their viewers engaged by including new twists and turns that are unexpected or even adding characters who were never there before. Even if it’s just one well written character then they could make up for all the bad ones because it makes you wonder what life would be like growing up around them – think of Steven Universe where we get an excellent look at how different family dynamics play out when someone doesn’t come from perfect circumstances while also having fun adventures along the way.

Even if it’s not an anime, the industry is still a little too exclusive in terms of representation and only caters to one type of viewer which leaves out those who might be interested but don’t fit into that narrow kind of worldview and what they want from their entertainment. It goes beyond just being white or black people; there are plenty of LGBTQ+ folks who would love to see themselves more frequently in the media they consume but when you’re talking about kids then you’ll find that most shows either ignore this group completely or focus on them as punchlines for jokes without any understanding at all about what these people actually go through – I’m looking at you, Family Guy. The point is: animation has become lazy over time because they’ve gotten used to only thinking about one type of viewer and they’re not willing to expand their horizons.

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Bullet Point: Anime is bad because it’s too exclusive in terms of representation, caters to a narrow kind of worldview, leaves out those who might be interested but don’t fit into that category, and ignores LGBTQ+ viewers or focuses on them as punchlines for jokes without understanding what they go through. Animation has become lazy over time by only considering one type of viewer and refusing to broaden its horizons. This means there are plenty less shows than before with compelling narratives outside the traditional shonen/shoujo mold (because everyone knows anime was never great when it comes down to storytelling) and even less for those who don’t see themselves fitting in the “moe girl” or “smart guy” tropes.

The viewer has to experience high-school, coming of age, drama all at once without ever feeling like “wow this is a great narrative about what it feels like be an adult” because we never get narratives that encapsulate life outside of school (or if they do exist they are buried deep). The focus on these genres means there’s no room left for others such as slice-of-life which offer different perspectives. It also leaves out LGBTQ+ viewers – while anime isn’t actively bad towards them (as far as I know), their inclusion usually revolves around punchlines and jokes.

In anime, you either have to be a cute girl or an intelligent guy.

Most of the time, we get characters who are simply archetypes without much backstory and character development (see: all those shojo romances). This means that if viewers don’t see themselves in the protagonist, they’ll likely become disengaged from the story because they can’t identify with them. For non-moe girls/smart guys like myself, it comes anime is unoriginal.

The voice acting is usually mediocre because of the lack of time and budget, so there are a lot less experienced actors in anime compared to dramas or films which means that voices sound like they’re being shoved into your ears without any care for how it fits with the character (or if you can even understand them). You also have very few female characters who don’t fall into one of those two tropes- “moe girl” or “smart guy.”

There’s no variety either – most high school romance stories are about a boy and a girl with nothing else going on in their lives. The same goes for shoujo stories, which are usually about the protagonist meeting various types of guys before they finally find true love…

No one is looking to take risks or try something new because they’re too busy focusing on keeping up with trends instead of creating anything original.

I’m not saying that all anime is bad- there’s some really good stuff out there like Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Your Name., etc – but it’s hard to come by when you have so many different titles being released every week. My point here isn’t that all anime sucks- I just want people to be more aware of what they’re watching and to think about what they’re actually getting out of it.

The general message here is that anime has become a haven for people who want nothing more than to keep up with the latest trends and fads because they feel like there’s no other use in trying anything new or creative- but if you don’t take risks, then how are we supposed to grow?

We have so many different cultures clashing together now thanks to globalization, so why not make something completely original from those influences instead of using one culture as a crutch and borrowing everything else from another country? The Japanese need to stop taking ideas straight from American cartoons without putting any thought into them first! My point again is simple: be aware of what you’re watching and what you’re taking in.

We have so many different cultures clashing together now thanks to globalization, so why not make something completely original from those influences instead of using one culture as a crutch and borrowing everything else from another country? The Japanese need to stop taking ideas straight from American cartoons without putting any thought into them first! My point again is simple: be aware of what you’re watching and what you’re taking in.

I’m going to end it here because I think this blog post has said enough on the subject for anyone who’s ever been interested in anime or watched an episode before- please share your opinion below if you feel like there was more that could’ve been explained! Thank You 🙂

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Radhe Gupta

Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...

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