
why people hate religion

We are living in a time where people have begun to question the existence of God. Religion has been around for centuries, but it seems like society is catching on that religion doesn’t make sense anymore. What could be so wrong with religion?

What we think is wrong with religion starts from its very inception. Religion was born in a time when the world’s population knew nothing about science and physics, and yet it formed firm beliefs on what happens to us after death. It wasn’t until years later that people began questioning things like evolution, karma, biology, psychology etc., which made them start doubting their previously held religious notions. This also caused many religions to re-examine themselves and make some changes accordingly; for example Christianity becoming more liberalized as new ways of thinking emerged in society. However all these re-evaluations were happening largely due to external forces within our societies rather than the religions themselves because they still maintained strong fundamentals such as praying five times a day or giving to the poor.

The disconnect between what religion professes and how it is practiced leads to discordant ideals that are not rooted in reality which makes people who adhere to these beliefs feel a sense of injustice, or even outright anger about their inability to reconcile religious claims with current day life. This then causes many religious followers to resent the establishment because they see no point in being part of something that doesn’t make any rational sense according to today’s societal norms. Living one way while believing another only leads those involved on an inevitable path towards disappointment and disillusionment with religion as a whole.”

What Makes Modern Day Religious Persons Hate Religion?

It wasn’t until years later when science and physics started forming firm beliefs about what happens after death that religion became a problem for modern day people.

The concept of Heaven and Hell, as well as the belief that life on Earth was nothing more than a test before being judged in an afterlife didn’t match up with what science had to say about how things work here and now.

This left many religious followers feeling betrayed by their beliefs because there were huge discrepancies between reality and something they have been told all their lives.

People who are religious have the option of choosing to believe what they want, no matter how much science tries to argue with them. Life on Earth is a test? Sure! It’s not that hard for people to accept things when it makes sense and everything fits together like a puzzle.

But if you’re someone who has always believed in Heaven and Hell as being real places, then science can be really difficult to swallow because there is nothing more depressing than believing your life here was pointless or meaningless. If you were promised something after death like eternal happiness but instead find out this world only represented one small part of existence..that sucks! You just spent your whole life doing all these good deeds for absolutely nothing.

The truth is that religion has always been the only thing people can really rely on for certainty. You could say it’s because we’re scared of death or want to believe in something greater than ourselves, but I think it comes down to control and security. Religion is a means of controlling another person’s beliefs so you know they’ll do what you want them to-whether it be inside or outside church.

You lied about power? That doesn’t sound like God! A lot of times religious leaders will take advantage of their followers by lying about themselves having powers from God when really they don’t have anything more special than anyone else who claims not be religious at all.

This lie usually works out pretty well for these charlatans since people are so scared of the unknown they’ll do anything to feel safe and secure.

Belief in a higher power can make you stronger? I think that humans are naturally curious, so we want answers for everything. If there’s something out there bigger than us, then it must be because we’re not good enough to deserve its presence-or just don’t know how to get it on our side. It’s human nature to crave control over other things: food sources, money making opportunities, or even people around them by controlling their thoughts through religion.

What makes me upset is when religious leaders lie about having powers from God when really they have nothing more special than anyone else who claims not be religious at all! A lot of times these charlatans use religion as a way to get what they want. That’s why so many people hate it-because of how these leaders can brainwash others into doing whatever without any regard for their own welfare or safety, just because the leader has been told by God that this is what he wants.

The sad thing is that we’re all looking for answers and hoping someone might have some kind of secret knowledge about life on earth or even beyond death. We’ll do anything in our power to feel safe and secure: spend time with people like us, turn to drugs and alcohol, isolate ourselves from society, try out new religions.. but nothing really fills that void inside us; until maybe one day we realize there were never any answers at all.

In my opinion, it was the lack of answers that led to so many people hating religion. Religion has given them false hope for all these years and then left them in a lurch when they found out there were no real solutions or explanations whatsoever. The church leaders have become masters at exploiting this desire for comfort and security, but instead end up using their followers as a way to get what they want. That’s why so many people hate religion- because of how these leaders can brainwash others into doing whatever without any regard for their own welfare or safety, just because the leader has been told by God that this is what he wants..

The sad thing is that we’re all looking for answers and hoping someone might have some kind of insight. But the people who think they have all the answers are just exploiting our desire for some kind of answer to whatever life throws at us and making themselves richer, more powerful, or famous in the process.

We need a new way forward- one that doesn’t rely on these false promises as much but instead looks ahead with open eyes to find solutions we can believe in together. The only thing I’m certain about is that religion will never be able to provide any real help–only an endless line of excuses why there’s no hope left..

The world has changed so dramatically over time that even trying to understand what it was like back then is hard enough already without being misled by someone claiming knowledge from God when really they’re just exploiting our desire for some kind of answer to whatever life throws at us and making themselves richer, more powerful, or famous in the process. We need a new way forward- one that doesn’t rely on these false promises as much but instead looks ahead with open eyes to find solutions we can believe in together. The only thing I’m certain about is that religion will never be able to provide any real help–only an endless line of excuses why there’s no hope left.. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how people who have lost their faith are so often portrayed as angry atheists out to get religious people. It’s not even true most of the time (though it might make them feel better), and it ignores

Radhe Gupta

Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...

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