
tarzaned tier list

Tarzaned is a professional League of Legends player who has been playing the game for five years. He has played on many teams including CLG, SK Telecom T1 and Team Dignitas. Tarzaned knows a lot about League of Legends, so we reached out to him and asked him to make a tier list for me! This list will include all champions in the game with their two letter abbreviation next to them. For example: “S- Janna” means that Janna is in Tier S (the highest). All credit goes to Tarzaned!


S- Lucian, Jinx

A- Twitch, Caitlyn

B+ Draven, Graves


S- Zyra, Lulu

A+ Karma, Lux

B- Annie, Morgana

F Nami (support)

D Sona (support)

E Braum (support)

M Thresh (support)

Tenacity is the measurement of how well a champion can ignore crowd control. Tarzaned told me that it’s important to have tenacity! This list will include all champions in the game with their two letter abbreviation next to them: For example “S” means they are in Tier S whereas an A on this list would mean they are in tier A. All credit goes to Tarzaned! **Tarzaned wants you to know that tenacity is important!

A – Annie

B- Blitzcrank, Caitlyn

C+ Draven, Graves

D- Ezreal, Janna

E Tarzaned (adc) **Tarzaned wants you to know that Tenacity is Important! F Nami (support), Thresh(support) G- Zyra H Morgana I Lux J Karma K Lulu L Jinx M Sona N Braum O Twitch P Annie Q Anivia R Ahri S Ashe T Cassiopeia U Corki V Dr. Mundo W Evelynn X Fiora Y Galio Z Gragas AA Jayce AB Katarina AC Kayle AD Kennen AE Leblanc AF Lee Sin

Draven is Tier D because he relies on an insane amount of crits to take control in teamfights. He also has poor scaling with his abilities, so he falls off pretty hard late game and becomes a one-shot champion. Graves can easily bully opponents out of lane when played correctly and scales well into the mid and late game making him a safe jungle pick for just about any comp. Ezreal’s damage output at early levels is very low but gains power as the game progresses; however, he struggles against high mobility champions like Fizz or Ahri who are able to dodge all of his skillshots then burst him down before he can retaliate

Annie might be tier A if she could deal more consistent damage, but her squishiness and CC make it hard to do anything in a teamfight.

Kog’Maw is Tier B because of his high level of poke that he can put out early game with his Q+W combo on the ADC or mid laner. He then transitions into a utility role later on as he needs to stay back for teamfights where he provides excellent healing for allies around him from his W passive ability while also providing decent AOE damage from both abilities and autoattacks

Tarzaned’s tier list: Top Lane – Ryze (A), Vladmir (B); Jungle – Lee Sin (A), Graves (A-). Mid lane – Irelia (S) Support Role – Braum (A), Soraka (B). ADC – Tristana, Kog’Maw

Tarzaned’s Tier List: Top Lane- Ryze A ; Jungle- Lee Sin B ; Mid lane- Irelia S; Support Role – Braum A ,Soraka B ; ADC – Tristana, Kog’ Maw.

Annie might be tier A if she could deal more consistent damage but her squishiness and CC make it hard to do anything in a teamfight. Kog’maw is tier B because of his high level of poke that he can put out early game with his q+w combo on the adc or mid laner. He then transitions into a late game carry with his q+w combo on the enemy adc or mid laner.

Passive ability while also providing decent AOE damage from both abilities and autoattacks . Tarzaned’s tier list: Top Lane – Ryze (A), Vladmir (B); Jungle- Lee Sin B ; Mid lane- Irelia S; Support Role – Braum A, Soraka B ; ADC – Tristana, Kog’ Maw. Annie might be tier A if she could deal more consistent damage but her squishiness and CC make it hard to do anything in a teamfight. Kog’maw is tier B because of his high level of poke that he can put out early game with his q+w combo on the adc or mid laner. He then transitions into a late game carry with his q+w combo on the enemy adc or mid laner.

Tarzaned’s tier list: Top Lane – Ryze (A), Vladmir (B); Jungle- Lee Sin B ; Mid lane- Irelia S; Support Role – Braum A, Soraka B ; ADC – Tristana, Kog’ Maw. Annie might be tier A if she could deal more consistent damage but her squishiness and CC make it hard to do anything in a team fight. Kog’maw is tier B because of his high level of poke that he can put out early game with his q+w combo on the adc or mid laner. He then transitions into a late game carry with his q+w combo on the enemy adc or mid laner.

Radhe Gupta

Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...

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